Narrative Unravelling? “NHS study finds half with Covid symptoms didn’t have virus”

Narrative Unravelling? “NHS study finds half with Covid symptoms didn’t have virus”
Still from John Carpenter's 1988 move "They Live"

Well, me and many others did try and warn you!

Half of healthcare workers with Covid symptoms at a Black Country hospital did not actually have the virus, a study into the impact of the pandemic has found. Of the many staff who came forward to be tested after reporting typical coronavirus symptoms, such as a cough, 50% were found not to have the virus.

The results have been revealed as part of the Covid Health Professional Impact Study, which examined demographics and health-related issues of those who have tested positive. It further highlights the uncertainty around knowing who has the virus, with many turning out not to be positive despite having Covid-like symptoms.

Experts revealed there were higher “anxiety scores” in certain staff groups, including those under 44. Doctors were the least anxious of the 924 participants.

“NHS study finds half with Covid symptoms didn’t have virus” – Birmingham Mail, 29th August 2022

So these healthcare workers who had ‘Covid symptoms’ and volunteered to be ‘tested’, only 50% actually had ‘the Covid’.

Presumably ‘the Covid’ was ‘confirmed’ via use of PCR tests, which I don’t consider to be highly reliable, you may as well just flip a coin.

The Symptoms?

As for the ‘symptoms’, I note with interest just now, after looking this up on the NHS website, that while previously there were just three symptoms listed – high temperature, persistent cough, loss of smell/taste – the list is now somewhat quite ‘expansive’.

Is it just me, or does this list cover pretty much most minor ailments that people can suffer from?

Oh, but the NHS website does point out the following:

The symptoms are very similar to symptoms of other illnesses, such as colds and flu.

Oh, what are the chances?

With such an exhaustive selection of symptoms to choose from, it’s no wonder so many people now just simply believe they have ‘the Covid’, when they likely don’t.

Just for comparison, here’s a list of ‘symptoms’ of hay fever, which many people (including myself) suffer with during the summer:

Mmm, perhaps ‘long Covid’ is just hay fever after all?

One illness to rule them all

So there you have it, everyone has been psychologically manipulated by the incessant media propaganda over the last two years into “believing” there is a new and deadly virus/disease, and that they have ‘the Covid’ if they come down with just one of the many symptoms now listed on the NHS website.

Fake virus. Fake tests. Unneccessary lockdowns and restrictions. Fake vaccines.

There are no other minor ailments anymore, if you are ill, you have ‘the Covid’.

And of course, readily available ‘free’ test kits are no longer being handed out like sweets, you have to pay for them now, so most people are just resigning themselves to ‘relying’ on their symptoms for diagnosis, and presumably GPs are ‘advising’ the same via telephone consultations.

News stories like the above should be a catalyst for people to ‘wake up’ and start asking questions, but sadly I fear too many people have been ‘suckered’ and wouldn’t even dare to believe that they’ve been played for a fool.
